14 April 2011

Lady Gaga In Haper's Bazaar

For the provocative pop star, all the world’s a stage. Why? Because she was born that way. On the cover of the May issue, the first thing which catches my attention is her gorgeous make-up which reminds me of her latest chart hit "Born This Way".

Read on for snippets from the interview...
“I have never had plastic surgery, and there are many pop singers who have. I think that promoting insecurity in the form of plastic surgery is infinitely more harmful than an artistic expression related to body modification.”

“I am an artist, and I have the ability and the free will to choose the way the world will envision me.”

She says that once she had become a household name—after winning Grammys, after wrestling with Madonna on Saturday Night Live, after countless magazine covers—she felt pressured to move to the pop-culture mecca that is Los Angeles. “I had all these number-one records, and I had sold all these albums, and it was sort of this turning point: Am I going to try and embrace Hollywood and assimilate to that culture?” Suffice to say, it didn’t work out. “I put my toe in that water, and it was a Kegel-exercise vaginal reaction where I clenched and had to retract immediately,” she says in a very vivid metaphor. “I ran furiously back to New York, to my old apartment, and I hung out with my friends, and I went to the same bars.”

The May issue of Harper's Bazaar hits newsstands April 26.

Also, was I the only one who never noticed Lady Gaga is inked? Inside the magazine you can catch a glimpse of  a few of Lady Gaga's tattoo's. I read she had nine so far ... and counting. 


  1. she looks pretty in the cover. i want her body!


  2. While I am no fan of Lady Gaga, the above statement is about the dumbest thing I have read all day. Gaga is a classically trained composer who plays several instruments and writes all of her own compositions. Sinatra was a singer who did not solely compose a single song. Who was more talented?
