I finally decided to cave in and ordered a few items on Hautelook . It's a members site that sell authentic designer items are really low prices (all authentic!).
The sales only last a few days so you can really grab good bargains if you check the sales regularly. I didn't used to like the site much at first, but lately they have some amazing deals on well known brands. When it comes to designer items, if I can, I'll usually only shop sale and that makes them rather affordable.
I've been checking the site everyday just to browse.
I've been checking the site everyday just to browse.
Here are the things I just ordered from Hautelook:
I ordered this one for my dad (I figured it would be wise to shop before hand for a Father's Day gift.)
Thro Home by Marlo Lorenz
Skulls Microplush Short Robe with Slippers
This I bought because it's such a great deal and I've always wanted a robe. Yes, I can't believe I don't have one yet either! They have loads of cute patterns to choose from.
Romeo & Juliet Couture
In total I got these 3 items for $132, which would have cost $721! Score. I can't wait for my package to arrive.
Have you checked out the site? Are you a bargain shopper or impulse?
Have you checked out the site? Are you a bargain shopper or impulse?
you snagged up some awesome items. I especially like the purse!