14 March 2011

Lady Gaga Japan Earthquake Relief Bracelet

Whether you're a Lady Gaga fan or not, it's always heart warming to see them use their fame for good causes or to help others. Show your support for Japan with this "We Pray For Japan" wristband created by Lady Gaga and her team! All proceeds go directly to Japan relief efforts.
image credit: ladygaga.com

The We Pray For Japan Bracelet is available for pre-order NOW for $5 on the Lady Gaga website. You can also choose your price to add to make an additional donation with the wristband.

Thanks to other bloggers who gave me the heads up on this.


  1. very thoughtful!
    I'm definitely going to check this out. :]


  2. I wish I could buy it! But I made a donation yesterday and I don't have any money left on my card or paypal (T___T)
